Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Chemo...Round One

I guess we're really doing this! We're at the clinic for Nate's first round of chemo. Up until now it's just felt like a big waiting game. Maybe in hind sight I won't think waiting was so bad...hmm?

Cancer stinks. Blaaahhhhh!!!! We're still smiling though. Nate's got to be the most positive guy I know! It used to really tick me off too...you know how misery likes company? :) Now I know that it's one of his God given gifts. He's been carrying me through this more than I'd like to admit, but I'm learning! Glad he's mine!

He's doing well so far. His chemo is every two weeks. He spends about 3 to 4 hours at the clinic getting the first 2 chemo drugs and labs. Then they start the third drug and hook him up to a pump that will infuse at home over the next 2 days. He'll then come back for them to disconnect the pump from the port and be on his way, until it's time for the next round that is.

Hoping and praying that Nate will tolerate the chemo well, and that it'll get in there and kick some tumor can! From what we hear, he'll probably be pretty fatigued and have some neuropathy issues like numbness in his limbs and cold sensitivity. They say that his immune system probably won't be affected as much as some of the other types of chemo, but we'll still be careful. The kids will be happy about that! Heck, I'm happy about that...I could use a maid as it is!!! He probably won't lose his hair either....which is good because as Sam put it, "Well that's good because Dad already has that little bald spot!" But seriously, it'll be good that the kids won't see a big physical change. Hopefully it'll make Nate seem a little more "normal" to them.

Thanks again for all the well wishes and prayers on his/our behalf. We're mindful of all the love coming our way and hope you all know how much we appreciate our family and friends!

Love to all of you from the Hardy's.


  1. I was just wondering how Nate was doing...and I checked your blog for an update. Thanks for keeping us up to date. I cut and paste your updates for Tadd, too.

    Our prayers are with you. We have been so blessed to have two of your babies in our class (Sydney in Nursery and Seth in Sunday School).

    Will you please let us (the readers) know what Nate can or can't eat?

    Terri and Tadd

  2. Thanks for the updates, Nat! I love to hear how things are going. You all continue to be in our prayers.

    Matt, Mesia and Seneca
