Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just Cruising Along...

It's been quite a while since my last update, and I apologize. I know there are so many people out there who are concerned for Nathan, and the progress he's making and I feel bad for not sharing his status sooner. I've been in a little funk and haven't wanted to spread any bad ju ju! Only positive thoughts, right?!

I can't believe that Nate will start his fourth round of chemo on Tuesday. The time between rounds goes way too quickly. His third round was over Spring Break, and thankfully, Nate did awesome! I really don't know how he does it. He did so well this last round that I got a little nervous, and irrational, thinking that maybe they weren't giving the right amount of chemo. I know, I'm crazy! The "pre chemo" drugs they've been giving really seem to work for Nate. He hasn't been very nauseous, and hasn't lost anymore weight. He does experience pretty severe cold sensitivity when he drinks anything cold, or when he's exposed to cold weather. That side effect has gotten worse with each round. His sleep is also a little messed up. I've decided that I should come up with a chore list and a shopping list for him when he wakes up at 3:00 a.m. and can't sleep. So, if you see Nate out mowing the lawn in the middle of the night, just know that he hasn't gone crazy!

The day Nate was disconnected from his last round, we packed up our trailer and went camping! We headed to Idaho, to City of Rocks. We met my sister and her family there. Despite the cold weather, our kids loved it! We're thankful for the opportunity we have to create family memories. There's just something about being out in nature as a family that changes attitudes and even the way we treat each other. I loved watching Nate doing something that he LOVES. He's always loved nature and being outdoors, and I fall in love with him all over again as I watch him share this love with our kids. He's had an amazing attitude through all of this, but I still couldn't believe how well he did on our camping trip after just finishing his chemo. He's amazing!

Nate's employer continues to show such patience and understanding. They've been very flexible and so loyal. We're blessed to have amazing people behind us!

Unfortunately, we still don't have any plans for his upcoming surgery. We're back to the waiting game. We may know more after we meet with Nate's Oncologist on Tuesday about when they plan to do more scans. I'll definitely let everyone know what we find out.

As always, I want to tell everyone how grateful we are to all of you who think about us and pray for us. It's the best service anyone can do for us right now! I know that Heavenly Father is mindful of us, and I know that we've been blessed by all the prayers given on our behalf. Just this last week I was in a pretty bad funk, feeling alone and not wanting to deal with life, and I received two calls from sweet friends who just wanted to let me know they were thinking of me and my family. I'm betting that they probably don't know how much those calls meant to me, but I took them as a little hug from Heaven.

Please continue to pray for a full recovery for Nathan. It's a difficult thing for me to ask, but I KNOW it will make a difference!

Love to all!


  1. Thanks for the update, Nat! We love you all very much and continue to pray for your family! We love you!

    Love, Mesia

  2. Thanks for the update! Don't be hard on yourself...I'm sure if it was in your power, you would eradicate and dessimate the cancer...and Nate would be 100% well...and you would have a lot of people helping! Nate has a wonderful partner in all his ventures (you!). It is sweet to hear of the good times...hard to hear about the tough stuff...but we continue to pray for you all.

