Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chemo Round One...Again

I've had so many texts and calls today from family and friends wondering how Nate is holding up during his first round of chemo. I'm still amazed when I realize how many of you are thinking about our family. Thank you!

Yesterday was a good day in the Infusion Clinic. Nate tolerated the new drug very well. He did have a bout of dizziness and felt pretty sleepy, but considering the alternatives, he did great! At one point, his eyes were blinking independent of each other, and although it was a little strange to watch, it was pretty entertaining.

When we returned home, some sweet friends brought dinner to our family. It was so nice not to have to worry about coming up with a meal! Nate felt so well that he was actually able to eat a healthy portion before we went to his brother's house for a family birthday party!

Today he woke up feeling a little groggy, but true to his nature, he pulled out of it and got on with his day. He's been blessed this week to have a very noticeable improvement in his pain level. He's been able to go much longer without his pain meds, and I can see that it's been a big relief for him. After breakfast he packed his bags and left for Jackson Hole. I'm happy that he can get a little "normal" back in his life. For all that he's been through, nobody deserves it more!


  1. You are always in our prayers. We are so happy when we see you and know that there is progress in your "grand adventure." I keep thinking of that hymn, "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform." I wonder if we will look back and see the threads of all of His wonders woven through our lives....right now, it probably seems like one knot after another.
    Much love,
    Tadd and Terri

  2. Natalie

    Your family is truly amazing. You and Nate are an inspiration to our family.

    All the best,

    Greg Iannone
