Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 8 - Viewer Discretion Advised

Surgery Day in the prep area. Isn't he cute in his hair net?
It was a good day today. Nate was released from the hospital! They sure don't keep people around very long. The doctor gave Nate five things to accomplish, and it only took a couple of hours after he accomplished all five, for them to discharge him! Not that I'm complaining, just saying that it caught me off guard a little. It's good to get good news.

Nate has approved all the pictures I'm posting here. We took some real doosies, but I picked a few of the less graphic shots to give a little timeline of sorts.

Genn and I trying to pass the 16 hours that we were away from Nate. Longest day of my life!
The next few days were a little 'puffy' for Nate. Lots of tubes, drains, I.V. lines, meds, and monitors. His hands were so swollen that he couldn't make a fist. Had to censor most of those shots, but thought this one was OK. I guess that's what 23 liters of fluid will do to you.

Nate was transferred from the Surgical ICU to the Oncology Floor on Day 3. Can you tell how excited he was?

Dr. Lambert and Nate. We owe her so much. She's an amazing woman who has dedicated so much of her life to beating this disease. You can see how tiny she is standing next to Nate in his bed. Now remember that she stood in surgery for 14 hours as she cleaned the cancer from Nate's belly. The Chief Resident told me that she cradled Nate's liver in her arm for 1 1/2 hours while she cleaned it off. I guess what I'm trying to say is that she is one tough woman, and we are GRATEFUL!
Genn and Nancy stayed with us from Monday to Monday. It was no small sacrifice for them to be here, and they saved my sanity in so many ways. Love you Girls!
Nate lost his 'puffiness' pretty quickly, and didn't waste any time getting started on his weight loss journey. He really looks so much better than he did after his February surgery. I definitely think he's going to win the 'coolest scar' contest at scout camp! He earned 48 staples! Last surgery he had 30. You can also see his Power Port up on his chest.
This was our 'home' for six days. Good friends from UAMPS sent a huge balloon bouquet! You can see my 'bed' over by the balloons. I actually figured out how to sleep pretty soundly in that chair.
Our favorite nurse, Katie. She always had a kind word and was so willing to celebrate Nate's successes with us, no matter how big or small.

The kids sent pictures and cards for Nate to open every day. He loved it! We miss them so much.

Nate on his way out of the hospital today. I couldn't even see where I was pushing him through all those balloons! It put a smile on a few faces.

Another shot of the Hope Lodge. We feel blessed to get to stay here.
I'm so impressed by the way Nate's handled this whole thing. He's been so positive and kind through it all. Today there were three doctors in the room giving Nate his final check before leaving the hospital, and they all agreed that he was an ideal patient. He never complains, he never demands, even if he's rating his pain at an eight he's never rude.

The nurses loved him as well. They see one or two patients a month who are recovering from the HIPEC procedure, and they told us that Nate has had one of the best in-hospital recoveries they've ever seen. Rule of thumb for Dr. Lambert is one day in the hospital for every hour spent in surgery. Nate was in surgery for 14 hours. I count surgery day as Day 0, so with only eight days in the hospital, Nate shattered that assumption! I attribute it to his positive outlook, his faith, and the fact that he never gives up hope.

We have an appointment with Dr. Lambert on Friday for a wound check and our post op appointment on Tuesday. If Nate's recovery continues as it has, we should be able to make plans to travel home after our post op appointment. I prepared myself for the possibility of being away from home for up to six weeks so this feels like a dream that we may only be away for three!

At the Idaho Falls zoo!
We can't wait to get home and see our children! They're having a blast, as evidenced by the struggle we have to get them to stop for ten seconds to talk to us on the phone. They've been spoiled and loved and spoiled some more, and we're so happy about it! We're glad they've been so distracted.

I'm praying that Nate will continue to heal well, and that his body will be strong. He constantly amazes me, and I love him more everyday.


  1. happy for you all! I'm in tears just reading this. We will continue to pray for recovery and remission of this cancer. We want him to stay on this earth longer to be with you and your children. We love you!

  2. Wow! Natalie thanks for posting all of those pictures and sharing some of the details of Nate's recovery. How amazing! Miracles happen every day, right? Thought of you guys a lot last night in Chicago temple. We had all eligible Grizzells there for baptisms...super cool. You guys aren't far from enjoying that with your kids...lots to look forward to!
    We're so glad things are going to well. You deserve all the blessings that are coming your way.

    Love, Deb & co. Grizzell

  3. Oops! Glad things are going SO well. Excuse my typo. ;)
