Monday, November 17, 2014

Day 5...Can't Keep A Good Man Down

First, I updated yesterday's post with a bunch of pictures that wouldn't load last night. I guess my devices were fighting. Take a look!

Nate finally got moved up to 6 East, the Oncology Floor, where he will hopefully stay until he gets discharged. The move didn't happen until 10:45 last night but we finally got him settled and cozy in his own private room. He had a "pretty good" night, but his epidural dressing came loose so it had to be removed. It can only stay in for 5 to 6 days, so they would've taken it away tomorrow anyway. Unfortunately, Nate's pain is up without the epidural so he has to use the pain button more often. It's controlling his pain so we're grateful.
New view....rained all day long. Better than snow I guess!
We got to have Family "Home" Evening with the kids tonight. A sweet friend brought a cute lesson today and we got to make a Blessing Mix with them. Thank you to all of our dear friends who are loving my kids for me!
Face Time chat for FHE!
Spoke too soon, Nate just got moved again! Same floor, different room. Still private! Thanks Dr. Lambert!

1 comment:

  1. so grateful for the posts. you are amazing to keep us all updated on this. thank you!
    so glad you get facetime with the kids ... so glad nate is in his own room...

